What makes some people incredibly lucky, as if they had a deal with Lady Luck, while others rarely, if ever, experience fortune? What determines the difference between those who are luck-worthy and those who aren’t?
In this article, we examine if luck is genuinely available to everyone or if it is an element that only a few privileged people can access. As it turns out, there is a way to create luck; the surprising thing is that it’s simpler than you think.
The Science Behind Luck
Many people wonder why some are so lucky while others’ dreams don’t go according to plan.
Being fortunate means more than having an auspicious wind blowing in your favor. Tapping into the frequency of luck combines science, biochemistry, and neurochemistry. This prolific combination stacks the odds in your favor.
Now, this won’t apply to going to the roulette table and winning every single time – the house is strategically conceived to win over time consistently. But, there are ways to become the house if you own the unwavering conviction that things are working to your advantage.
How luck is activated has nothing to do with rituals, practices, and other luck-calling activities. It’s closely tied to human anatomy. Accessing luck can happen through one of our body’s functions, but we must understand how it works.
The Reticular Activating System in our brains is the gatekeeper between the conscious and unconscious mind. It filters the information around you and only focuses on what’s essential to the conscious mind. We all have five senses: taste, sound, sight, smell, and touch. The system constantly processes everything around us. It also controls the information we receive about these senses. Because it would be impossible for us to filter all these senses, the system blocks what’s irrelevant to us. If we were constantly aware of these senses, we would allow all the sensory information in. And if we would, we would always feel overwhelmed and overloaded with information. And that would be like listening to the orchestra simultaneously playing different notes on the instruments. The majority of our sensory input comes through the visual senses. If you see a picture for a few seconds, you can talk about it for minutes. And this explains why 80% of the sensory processing information power of the brain is dedicated to processing visual information.
The Hidden Benefits of the Reticular Activating System
The conscious information our brains let in can be divided into two categories. One refers to the information that can be detrimental to us, while the other to the information we see as relevant.
The information that can be detrimental usually sinks in if we’re not practicing mindful living. Most people are sleepwalking through life. This explains why even on our days off, we’re inclined to drive to work on autopilot. The repetition of going to work, which is now a daily habit, made it an unconscious activity that can happen even when it shouldn’t.
The Reticular Activating System is always searching for potentially dangerous things. And that’s what it has in common with another part of our brain that performs the same function: the amygdala. Its role is to focus on the negative side and notice things that can harm us. They work together and scan our environments to decide if we’re safe or should prepare and protect ourselves from danger.
So what does being lucky have in common with how the Reticular Activating System works? Picture this: you’re at a party having a conversation with someone when somebody on the other side of the room randomly mentions your name. You hear your name cutting through all the existing noise. How do you explain that? Because you identify with your name, and it’s crucial to you. Your reticular activating system knows that and alerts you whenever someone mentions your name. And this is the second category of information the conscious mind focuses on: information that’s relevant to us.
That’s an extraordinary function of our Reticular Activating System. It constantly scans the information around you and deletes the excess information that leads to nothing useful. Why? Because it works for you and it knows what’s relevant to you. But it gets more interesting than that. The most important characteristic of this system is that you can add essential elements to the list of things that matter to you, and it will know that it has to hyperfocus on them. When you refine what deserves your attention, the system will dedicate even more attention to it, ensuring it concentrates on the focus points you decided upon.
Simply put, you’re telling the reticular activating system what’s vital, and then it selects that information and places your focus on it when you encounter it in real-time. In the example above, you could have heard tens of names, but the only one you reacted to was yours, even if it came from far away. The system narrowed your focus and only highlighted the most relevant name of all – yours.
But the other side of the coin is also possible, unfortunately. You can easily walk down the street and miss an opportunity standing in front of you. And this typically happens because you didn’t tell the reticular activating system that it matters. You didn’t consider it significant, so the system didn’t point it out. This behind-the-scenes picture explains why we ‘miss’ luck. At the same time, others seem more in tune with opportunities, even though our brains are endlessly exposed to millions of pieces of information every second.
An easy way to put this system to work is to challenge it daily and command it to pay attention to red cars. Suddenly, you’ll notice more red cars where you live than you expected. Did they show up miraculously overnight? Of course not, but your brain has now been given a direction to follow.
How to Best Use Your Reticular Activating System
To better understand how the Reticular Activating System works, think of gravity. As long as there’s an input, gravity doesn’t care about the nature of that input. Gravity doesn’t have mood swings, morals, or personal opinions. It does what it’s created to do, always within the same parameters. The Reticular Activating System works the same. It performs its role – except you can tell it to focus on something different.
Say you’re facing a challenging period in your romantic relationship. If you focus on your partner’s wrongdoings, you’re telling the brain that this is your priority. And in response, it will keep bringing those flaws to your attention. That’s fundamental neuroscience. More and more things are coming to your awareness because that’s where your focus is directed. If you keep complaining about your partner, your brain will come up with more proof that there’s something wrong with them until you convince yourself they’re not suitable for you. That’s why visualization also plays a colossal role in creating positive outcomes, as it indicates to the brain the results you wish to acquire.
The brain always pursues what’s in our awareness and tries to validate what’s essential to us. To understand how the brain operates, we need a clear distinction between the thinker and the proof-of. The thinker side thinks of things, while the proof-of area proves. But what does the proof-of try to prove? It goes to prove whatever the thinker is thinking, which is great news if we believe that luck is always by our side. But if our main belief is that Lady Luck does not favor us, then the proof-of part of the brain will try to prove that. Simple, yet immensely powerful. If you hold on to the belief that you can get resourceful no matter what, your proof-of will immediately follow suit and be on the lookout for ways to achieve your goal. There’s often a vast difference in shifting perspective, allowing your brain to think outside of the typical box.
Otherwise, it will use the sensory input to confirm your negative beliefs and back them up with everything that can strengthen that belief.
The reason why most people don’t attract luck is that they think that life is not an experience that favors us. Suppose you believe that life is hard or nasty. In that case, the thinker will tackle all millions of pieces of information to search for that particular evidence. If we compare life to a dark forest we have to walk through, but you and the conscious mind have a flashlight, and you focus it on the Reticular Activating System, it will do what you say. If you see life as a beautiful gift, you’ll direct your conscious mind to point the flashlight on everything that proves that. But more than this, you’ll dive deeper and understand that your ancestors didn’t have all the privileges the modern world offers. This will help strengthen the belief that life is a wonderful experience even more. The more you believe it, the more proof your brain will provide to support that.
Luck Is Always By Your Side
Luck is a matter of trial and error, but you can ensure it favors you instead of avoiding you.
Given that the Reticular Activating System profoundly influences how we attract luck, it’s safe to say that we must become hyper-mindful of the signals we send toward it.
Your perspective of life is a game-changer, and it’s what ultimately decides your chances to sculpt your reality your way. Otherwise, you risk staying a victim of circumstances, and the harsh truth about that is that you have called in those circumstances. Becoming a victim is just the outcome of believing in them and emphasizing them as a way of living. Suppose you accept chaos and haphazardness as parts of your current reality. In that case, we know the brain will always steer toward proving it to you.
This begs the question: why not adopt a positive attitude that begets more positivity? Given that calling in luck is not a matter of woo-woo but actually science, it becomes a responsibility to sift through the messages we send our brain and cherry-pick only those that can help build an enthralling reality – your Reticular Activating System will work to validate it anyway.
The Easiest Way to Tap into Luck
There is so much freedom in decoding how our Reticular Activating System works. Making sensible use of it will allow us to access luck faster than we think.
However, we must never forget that our brains always pay attention to the messages we send them, hence the eternal battle between luck and misfortune.
The good news is we elevate our chances of attracting a new reality where our beautiful creations are rewarded with even more inspiring results.
My Elite Mentorship Forum is the best environment to evolve your brain and cement a new outlook that will help you magnetize the wonders life has in store for you. Click here to learn more about it, as it’s said to be one of the industry’s most immersive personal development programs. And it has everything to do with the way we manage our brains.
Now that you know the importance of the Reticular Activating System, will you use it to create more luck?