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JANUARY 13-15, 2025

Stop Waiting For Life To Happen

stop waiting for life to happen

Living in constant awe is a utopia for many. We’re blindsided by the outer world’s intricacies, forgetting about our inner world’s fundamentals.

But we don’t consider that life is always happening, even when we think it’s not. The moments we’re not fully present leave priceless memories and lessons on the table.

Since we’re living anyway, doesn’t it make sense to bring our best contribution to the present moment, regardless of how it presents itself? Below, we’ll discover many reasons to stop treating life as a run-of-the-mill experience and start honoring it as one-of-a-kind.

Why Are We So Attached to Our Beliefs?

Everyone has an opinion they feel they must defend. And the reason why we’re so hooked up on our opinions is that they form our core beliefs. When you’re telling yourself the same words daily, they start telling the story of who you are. In other words, they become a piece and parcel of your personality.

But what happens when your beliefs are not beneficial and lack congruency with who you want to be? You get entangled in a spiral of ideas, and you can’t accurately assess if your beliefs actually belong to you. Your internal dialogue has a say in everything you do. Still, if it’s focused on negativity, it will drive you in the wrong direction. This is how many face confusion regarding what they advocate for. 

The Greatest Gift of All

Our ancestors had other things to worry about, like survival, predators, nourishment, childbirth, etc. They never guessed that humanity would reach a point where imagination would prevail in ways that would alter our lives irrevocably. Unfathomable wins in the technological world would one day become a given. Twenty years ago, it would have been impossible to conceive limitless possibilities.


Our ancestors gave their life for us to exist. Little did they know that while struggling with existential issues, they laid the path for an extraordinary future for us just by existing. Unfortunately, we can’t say the same about ourselves. Because the act of existing is taken for granted by many people. The odds of being alive are so tiny it seems like a literal miracle to be alive. First, your parents had to meet. Then, there had to be a  spark between the two, so you could be conceived. Of all the people that could have been your parents, you got them.

The probability for you to exist is 400 million to 1. Imagine never being here but craving it badly. With a massive desire to be born, but still aware of the odds. How would you come into this world knowing that you’ve almost managed to do the impossible? How would you live life if it wasn’t a given but a privilege? Think about the odds. Four hundred million to 1, and you were lucky enough to land here. It’s an official authorization for you to exist. The question is: How will you make the most of it?

Discovering a Multifaceted Truth 

It’s a beautiful feeling to feel loved, nurtured, and appreciated when we first make contact with the outer world. Until we reach the age of three, everything is sunshine and roses on the emotional ladder. We fully experience the affection of our parents. We rejoice in the magic of unconditional love. We enjoy an unfiltered stream of love from our parents. We start framing the feeling of being loved because we now have a heartwarming reference. Even if we can’t articulate our emotions, we’re flooded with love in many shapes and forms.

However, things take an unexpected turn between the ages of three and six. We discover that our parents have a specific model of the world. One that they live by, and we’re expected to follow suit. When a child mimics their parents’ model of the world, the parents reward it. But when they go against it, parents are filled with frustration. For the child, this manifests in the need to receive approval. Sometimes, the frustration parents feel for not sharing identical models of the world with their children is not accurately expressed. This creates a very different perspective of what love means. The child has to adapt to an imposed model of the world while their own model is starting to contour internally. They now understand that they’re doing something wrong if they steer away from the expected model.

our children look to us

If this happens, the love they receive is limited. The transition from unconditional to conditional love is harsh and abrupt. They start believing that love needs to be earned through correct behavior. But what’s the right way to act? Given that they don’t have a manual of instructions, children try to sort this out on the go. But this is always followed by a caveat. Not acting congruently with their parents’ expectations will cost them a serious dose of love. So, now, the dilemma starts hatching inside their mind. Everything they knew until that point contradicts the new regimen.The element we all desire – love – depends on how approvable our acts are. 

But perhaps the most painful thing about receiving bite-sized love is the lack of approval we experience. Later on, this deficiency translates into unworthiness. The feeling of unworthiness is mainly prominent in adults who are struggling to overcome childhood trauma. Later on, this feeling of unworthiness will be unconsciously projected onto our future relationships.

The Paradox of Having it All

Nowadays, technology has accelerated our evolution in unexpected ways. But what also came along with technology is its own paradox. While drowning in unlimited facets of technology, we’re left with a shortage. We are starving for something more.

Our brains respond poorly to being bombarded with constant information coming from everywhere. Receiving everything from everywhere makes it hard to select the information we allow in. But what becomes even more challenging is taking action based on that information. Too much-unstructured information that’s not directed the right way generates overwhelm, causing confusion that will ultimately lead to inaction. Inaction is the zapper of our aspirations. It annihilates motivation and momentum. Simply put, we do nothing significant with what we learn. 

While we spend our precious time behind screens, we lose track of reality, favoring a virtual one. And that is the beginning of the end. Because what we really want is connection. And this is a far-fetched feeling in the digital world. Even if we are just a push notification from each other, we couldn’t be more disconnected.

The Ultimate App to Download

In a world so connected at every level, why do we face loneliness?

For many, the use of technology makes a lot of sense. Our left brain – also known as the digital brain – makes its use compelling, given its affinity for data, analyses, and facts. All these elements offer something our left brain can thrive on – technology can be measured. 

But when it comes to the right brain – an emotionally predominant area – more and more people feel alienated and lonely. This explains the spike in loneliness, ADD, ADHD, and even depression. It’s draining to constantly try to keep up with data that only takes up mental space instead of being relevant. Filtering the information will channel our attention from the overload to the essentials. The most important benchmark in any information we allow in should be getting value. If the knowledge coming our way is not value-driven, there is no point in receiving it.

Even though we are much more interconnected than we imagine, we spend the most time wondering why we don’t get the love we crave. Sometimes, it takes a tragedy or a significant emotional event to help us tune in and connect our outer world with our inner world.

To better understand our position in the world, imagine the human body. It’s gifted with 50 to 70 trillion cells. Let’s focus on two different cells. One is red and is in charge of delivering oxygen. The other is white, and its mission is to cleanse the bloodstream. Both have different functions and will probably die at the same time. If they could communicate, they would realize they both have a different sense of identity.

Now let’s use this analogy to understand our position in the grand scheme of things. Just like the body has different blood cells, the universal body of consciousness has its own different types of blood cells: ourselves. Similar to the bloodstream cells, we have different paths and different identities. But what we miss is that we are connected at a very profound level.

What holds us back is that we don’t have a reference for unconditional love. For many, unconditional love is an old-fashioned concept that’s unfeasible in today’s world. For others, it’s about flashbacks of love samples they received throughout their childhood.

But if we drill down, we realize the battle was always between the feeling center, represented by our hearts, and the thinking center, represented by our brains. How can we fix this? Instead of checking your phone notifications first thing in the morning, check in with yourself first. Immersed in that state of awareness, you can share quality time with your loved ones and experience one of our deepest needs: connection.

It all boils down to you being able to hold the pen and write your own story. Because the moment we tap into unconditional love is the pivotal moment that allows our experience to become growth-centric. After that moment, we can’t feel disconnected anymore.

And then, we can finally embrace the ultimate use of technology: to download the app of unconditional love – the key to amplifying our potential.

Life is a Mirror

Many people are so disconnected from their inner world that they place all their bets on the outer world. While you’d think the outer world is the placeholder of all answers because it dictates how things will unfold, it’s the opposite. The outer world follows the inner world, not the other way around.

If you’re ready to stop playing small and start embracing your potential, then our EMF Program is the most straightforward way to get there. It’s a transformational journey of unconditional love, self-discovery, and self-fulfillment!

What’s the easiest step you can take to stop waiting for life to happen? Please feel free to leave a comment to empower people to tune in with their potential.

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